Mattu University

Yuunivarsiitii Mattuu

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Mattu University

Public and International Relations

History and Background of Public and External Relations Directorate

Mattu University is one of Ethiopian third generation public universities established in 2011 G.C in Oromia Regional State in Ilu Aba Bor Zone Mattu Town in ever green natural environment. It is located at 600km away from the capital city of the country to the South West. The University’s mission is producing competent and decent graduates, conducting problem solving researches, delivering research based community services and establishing collaboration and partnership with international and national universities, research centres and industries. On the other hand, its vision is to be recognized university in modern agriculture and natural science fields of study, research and community services in Ethiopia in 2030. To these end, the University has wide range of academic programs and administrative offices to meet the growing demand of trained manpower of the region and the country. Among these offices, Public and External Relations Directorate Office (PERD) is the one. Being accountable to the president office, PERD was established in 2011 G.C and led by different directors: Ayele Legese (2011 – October 2017), Yidnekachew Tesfaye (November 2017- September 2018), Olkeba Assefa (October 2018 – April 2021), Asresahegn H/Meskel (June 2021 – October 2022), Tegegn Demissie (November 2022 up-to-date). 


  • MaUPERD is dedicated to promote and build image of the University to all its stakeholders by utilizing and developing internal and external communications through different media outlets nationally and internationally. 


  • MaU PERD aspires to build an effective team with relevant skills, to create and maintain a climate of trust and positive attitude at Mattu University through honest and effective communication with the international and the local public and thereby improving the University’s image by promoting and facilitating transformative flow of information that would potentially maintain a good reputations and excellence of the University. 

Core Values: 

  • Relevance and quality
  • Recognition of academic freedom and accountability
  • Recognize indigenous knowledge  
  • Academic Competence
  • Effective and efficient service delivery 
  • Research Based Innovation
  • Acknowledge diversity 


  • We are dedicated to serve the community! 


The office’s overarching aims in support of the University’s vision are:

  • To support and promote positive communications within the university and partners from internal and external stakeholders in the state of mutual benefit;
  • To manage events and any other engagements that the university would embark on to enhance the success of those events;
  • To provide an efficient, effective and high quality publicity;
  • To establish a line that enables the University to communicate directly with key audiences;
  • To scale-up the visibility of the University to the publics and
  • To present the success stories and best practices of the University for the Public in the way that achieves favourable communal image.


The office of Public and External Relations Directorate seeks to achieve its mission and aims by meeting the following interrelated objectives:

  • To understand and define the University’s essential characteristics and communicate them clearly and consistently;
  • To promote the University’s activities and achievements and challenge misconceptions and misrepresentations where necessary;
  • To glean and disseminate information that is of interest and value to the university community, and that supports change management;
  • To develop connections, partnerships and mutual understanding with outside communities, groups and organizations;
  • To arrange or support ceremonial, educational and other events, activities and opportunities that build relationships and are relevant to the University’s mission;
  • Communicate the goals, objectives, priorities and performances of the University to the public using electronic mass media, publications, websites, and so on;
  • Design, develop and manage special events that shows the University’s center of excellences and promote advocacy and support for the Uiversity by mobilizing the University working units;
  • Manage and provide services including publicities, photography, graphic design, etc. to the University community and make a pool of audio visual resources and conference management tools to enable efficient delivery of such services.

Call for Partnership

Collaboration is a key driver of innovation and progress, and we at Mattu University are committed to fostering partnerships with national and international universities, research centres, industries, government and non-government bodies. We believe that by working together, we can achieve great things and make a positive impact on society. We would like to extend a warm invitation to all interested parties to collaborate and work with us at Mattu University. We are open to a wide range of collaborative opportunities, including joint research projects, academic conferences, student and faculty exchange programs, and more. Here are some reasons why you should consider collaborating with us:

  • Expertise: Our faculty members are experts in their fields, and we have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. By collaborating with us, you can tap into our expertise and benefit from our insights and perspectives.
  • Resources: We have state-of-the-art facilities and resources that can support a wide range of research and development activities. Whether you need access to specialized equipment or laboratory space, we can provide the resources you need to succeed.
  • Impact: Our research and development activities are focused on addressing some of the most pressing challenges facing society today. By collaborating with us, you can make a real impact on the world and contribute to the greater good.

Here are Excellence and Priority Areas of the University 

  • Honey production and processing
  • Coffee production and processing
  • Tea leaf production and processing
  • Spices production and processing
  • Rubber tree plantation 
  • Biodiversity conservation and ecotourism management
  • Medicinal plant identification and calibrating them for use 
  • Bio fertilizer production and processing like other public universities in the country.

Hence, if you are interested in collaborating with us, please don't hesitate to reach out. We would be happy to discuss potential opportunities and explore ways to work together. 

Contact US


Mr Tegegn Demisse

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